Building out your credit profile properly is the most importing aspect in the process of mastering your personal credit, not your credit score. Your credit score is a byproduct of your credit profile. By strategically adding a solid payment history to the accounts listed below (installment loans, revolving lines of credit, credit builder loans and credit builder cards), you can use them to establish or rebuild your credit profile. These accounts report monthly to TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. Click on the account name to sign up for that particular account.
Credit Reliant Builder Card is a secured credit card marketplace. We match you with a secured credit card that has a low $200 security deposit and reports to all three credit agencies based on your state of residence. When you apply, there is no hard credit pull and no credit score requirement for approval. Because you use your own money to fund your secured credit card, there are no strict credit requirements.
The Self credit builder loan, formerly known as Self Lender, is a type of installment loan designed to assist borrowers in establishing or raising their credit scores. It functions by allowing borrowers to make regular deposits into a savings account, which is subsequently released to them at the conclusion of the loan term. Additionally, it reports their timely payments to the major credit agencies to build a strong credit history.