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FREE Credit Analysis

Why Is Credit Analysis Important?

Here at Credit Reliant, we are dedicated to making sure our clients are properly prepared for their financial endeavors whether it be business funding, buying a home, buying a car or applying for a personal loan. The key to making yourself fundable and creditworthy is understanding that financing and lending is based on your Fico Score. There are specific data points that financial institutions check for when assessing your application during the financing and lending underwriting processes. It is imperative to have a clear-cut understanding of your credit health in terms of your credit report and Fico Score to avoid unnecessary application denials that will negatively impact your credit score. This process is absolutely FREE and will not hurt your credit score.

How Does The FREE Credit Analysis Work?

Click the button to get your 3 Bureau MyScoreIQ Fico Score credit report for $1.

Once you've purchased your credit report, click "Download this report" to download and save your credit report.

Return to this page and fill out the required fields then select "choose files" to upload your credit report to our servers then press "Submit"

We will analyze your credit report to see if you meet the requirements of financial institutions based on their data points and underwriting guidelines.

Upon the conclusion of the analysis, we will inform you if you're ready for the funding application process or give you a recommendation on how you can improve your credit.